This is a compressor for text files based in Huffman codes and binary trees. Given a text, it creates a tree based in the symbol frequencies. This way, the more frequent is a symbol, the less bits it needs to represent it. When it compresses a file, a dictionary with the pair symbol-code is created to decode (decompress). Also 2 versions of a compressed file, a .txt with the binary string and a binary .dat which is the actual compressed file.


The tool is a console app, it has 2 functions with their respective command:

  • Compress: This command will create 3 files in folder: kesyFile.txt, compressedFile.txt and compressedFile.dat

      huffmanCompressor.exe 0 <path to text file> <path to output>
  • Decompress: This will create one file called decompressedFile.txt in folder

      huffmanCompressor.exe 1 <path to .dat and keys> <path to output>



Spacial complexity Analysis

As we can see in source code, both programs are merged in the main and are separated by an if statement. Therefore, we will start for each one from the try-catch blocks that read the txt and we will take only elements with size bigger than 1.

Huffman codification

Ordenar() Arreglo tamaño n ordenar = n /*************/


arreglo tamaño n árbol tamaño m

buscarPosicion() = n +m /**********/


2 listas tamaño n árbol tamaño m

recorridoArbol() = 2n + m /************/


lista tamaño n buscarPosicion() = n + m recorridoArbol() = 2n + m

codificacionHuffman() = 3n + 2m /***************/


Lista tamaño n Texto tamaño n Texto tamaño m

Comprimir() = 2n + m /***************/


texto tamaño n lista tamaño m

contarFrec() = n + m



Texto tamaño n 2 Listas tamaño m contarFrec() = n + m codificacionHuffman() = 2n + m Comprimir() = n + m

Main() = n + 2m +n +m +2n +m +n+m = 5n + 5m

Huffman decodification


texto tamaño n texto tamaño m lista tamaño m

decodificacionHuffman() = n + 2m



Lista tamaño n Texto tamaño m Texto tamaño n decodificacionHuffman() = n +2m

Main() =2n +m +n +2m = 3n + 3m

Temporal Complexity analysis

As we can see in source code, both programs are merged in the main and are separated by an if statement. Therefore, we will start for each one from the try-catch blocks that read the .txt and in the cases where there are loops with flags we will take only the worse of the cases.

Huffman codification


Para i = 1 a n Para j = 1 a n c Fin para fin para ordenar = n2 /*************/


c mientras 1 a n c fin mientras buscarPosicion() = n /**********/


c mientras 1 a n mientras 1 a n c fin mientras c fin mientras

recorridoArbol() = n /************/


ordenar = n2 mientras 1 a n c buscarPosicion() = n fin mientras recorridoArbol() = n

codificacionHuffman() = n2 + n2 +n = 2 n2 /***************/


C Para 1 a n Para 1 a n C Fin para Fin para

Comprimir() = n2 /***************/


c mientras 1 a n para 1 a n c fin para c fin mientras c

contarFrec() = n2



Try Mientras 1 a n c Fin mientras Fin try

contarFrec() = n2 codificacionHuffman() = 2 n2

Try Mientras 1 a n c Fin mientras Fin try

Comprimir() = n2

Main() = n + n2 + 2n2 + n + n2 = 4 n2

Huffman decodification


c para 1 a n c para 1 a n c fin para c fin para c mientras 1 a n c fin mientras c

decodificacionHuffman() = n2 + n = n2



Try Mientras 1 a n c Fin mientras Fin try C Try Mientras 1 a n c Fin mientras Fin try decodificacionHuffman() = n2

Main() = n + n + n2 = n2

Complexity Summary

codificaciónHuffman spacial complexity is O(n) = 5n + 5m

decodificacionHuffman spacial complexity is O(n) = 3n + 3m

codificaciónHuffman Temporal Complexity is T(n) = 4 n2

decodificacionHuffman Temporal Complexity is T(n) = n2