
The mono-midi-transposition-dataset is a dataset for monophonic music with two variations to achieve free transposition representation of music. It first appears in Sequence Generation using Deep Recurrent Networks and Embeddings: A study case in music and then an updated version in A framework to compare music generative models using automatic evaluation metrics extended to rhythm

It is based in the mono-MusicXML-dataset after scraping musescore to get the midi files, cleaning the data to get rid off useless pieces and make 2 transformations to the files having 3 variations at the end.

The process consists of next steps:

  1. Scraping: The structure of the original dataset is used as the base to download the files from the web.
  2. Prepossessing: Each midi is transformed into an array containing the sequence of notes
  3. Cleaning: only songs with more than 12 notes are kept.
  4. This list is used to create the interval and db12 variations
  5. The final list of arrays is used as the base to create 3 datasets in X,Y format

Cite this dataset as

      title={Sequence Generation using Deep Recurrent Networks and Embeddings: A study case in music}, 
      author={Sebastian Garcia-Valencia and Alejandro Betancourt and Juan G. Lalinde-Pulido},
      url = {},
      journal = {ArXiv e-prints},
      volume = {abs/2012.0},

You can download the ready to use pickle files containing the data as a list of tuples []

mkdir pickles
wget -N -O

In case you want to download the midi files and apply the transformation by yourself follow next steps

Note: All is done assuming you are in your home directory

Create a root folder and clone the scripts repository for the dataset:

mkdir mono-midi-transposition-dataset
cd mono-midi-transposition-dataset
git clone

download the midi files

mkdir midi_files
wget -N -O
unzip -d midi_files/
unzip midi_files/ -d midi_files/train/
unzip midi_files/ -d midi_files/evaluation/
unzip midi_files/ -d midi_files/validation/
rm midi_files/
rm midi_files/
rm midi_files/

set the environment and install the midi_manager package

mkvirtualenv mono_midi_dataset
pip install -r mono-midi-transposition-dataset/requirements.txt
pip install midi-manager==2.0

you can also clone the repository of midi_manager and use it as a normal package

git clone -b 2.0 --single-branch

run the main list creator script

mkdir pickles
 python mono-midi-transposition-dataset/ --data_dir "midi_files/train/midi" --output_file "pickles/train_song_list.p"
 python mono-midi-transposition-dataset/ --data_dir "midi_files/evaluation/midi" --output_file "pickles/evaluation_song_list.p"
 python mono-midi-transposition-dataset/ --data_dir "midi_files/validation/midi" --output_file "pickles/validation_song_list.p"

run data creation script, it creates the db12 and interval variations plus clean the songs shorter than 12 notes and with durations higher than 16

python mono-midi-transposition-dataset/ --data_dir pickles/ --base_name "train"
python mono-midi-transposition-dataset/ --data_dir pickles/ --base_name "evaluation"
python mono-midi-transposition-dataset/ --data_dir pickles/ --base_name "validation"

Data Transformation Algorithms

Next pseudocode summarises the procedure to create the DB12 dataset, defining a song as an ordered set of midi notes of the form {X0, X1, …, Xsong}, where Xi is the note in the position i, with X_i in [0,127] (since these transformations are based only in pitch, time is copied at the end to each correspondent transformed element from the original tuple).

def songToDB12(self, note_sequence_vector):
    centralC = 60

    min_note = min(note_sequence_vector)
    max_note = max(note_sequence_vector)

    middle_song_point = int(math.floor((max_note - min_note)/2))
                         + min_note

    general_middle_gap = centralC - middle_song_point

    remaining_transp = 11 - abs(general_middle_gap)

    if remaining_transp >= 0:
        up_transp = int(math.ceil(remaining_transp/2))
        down_transp = remaining_transp - up_transp

        if general_middle_gap < 0:
            down_transp += abs(general_middle_gap)
            up_transp += abs(general_middle_gap)
        if general_middle_gap <= 0:
            down_transp = 11
            up_transp = 11

    tensors = [note_sequence_vector]

    for i in range(down_transp):
        new_note_vector = [x-(i+1) for x in note_sequence_vector]
    for i in range(up_transp):
        new_note_vector = [x+(i+1) for x in note_sequence_vector]
    return tensors

Next pseudocode shows the strategy to convert each melody in an interval representation.

def songToInterval(self, note_sequence_vector):
    tensor = []

    for i in range(len(note_sequence_vector)-1):
        interval = note_sequence_vector[i+1] - 

    return tensor